What causes male arousal? Did you know that we have a lot of preconceived notions about when we should be hard as men? But when it comes down to it, we’re no different than any other mammals. And we’re much more primal than we think. Tantra Institute Co-Founder Guy Shahar distills this down so it’s easy to understand where the evolutionary science and Tantra meet. #malearousal #tantricsexuality #tantricmeditation At The Tantra Institute, our mission is to support you in how to be a better lover. This doesn't just mean in the bedroom, but how can we all be more loving human beings while we're lucky enough to be in bodies inhabiting this planet. We invite you to join us in this mission and practice being a better lover through our many courses and events (ranging from the PG to the very not-PG). For a full listing of workshops and events visit: https://www.tantrany.com/?aff=9yt We also offer in-person and online events for singles at our most popular dating event, Tantra Speed Date Find your city here: https://www.tantrany.com/date?aff=9yt Instagram: @instatantra https://www.facebook.com/nytantra